Meheron weds Lorah...ah, what a lovely couples.
It was held in Dewan Seri Endon, Yayasan Budi Penyayang Malaysia.

The decoration is simple and sweet. However, overall it looks very grand wedding ceremony :)

So I would like to share is...a Baha'i Wedding.
It all began with some prayers, then wait for the bride and bridegroom to arrive.
Once the bride and bridegroom seated, then some more prayers are chanted.

Next will be the taking of marriage oath, Mr Papunaidu who solemnize the wedding and the couple recites the following verse: "We will all, Verily, abide by the will of God".

After that, the signing of marriage certificate take place, and two witnesses for both bride and bridegroom.

Followed by word of appreciation from the bride and bridegroom.

Once it is done, the bride and bridegroom have to exchange of rings.

Finally, cutting the cake and dinner is serve ;)

What a happy ending for these two couples. about my turn?? When will it be?? wakaka
For more information about the wedding can refer to