Today I just feel lazy to do anything except playing DotA (Defence of The Anceints). I like to play with my coursemate only the real fun give me the adrenaline to get rid of the pressure about the examation. Yeah, just to pass my time because I am too lazy to study for my examination especially SLA (Second Language Acquisition).
Today, I cook spaghetti which is my second attempt because it is time to skill up my cooking style. Muahaha..I went to Grand Union which is one of the simplest supermarket in Tanjung Malim, at least I can get the ingredients for making my spagetti. I bought Chifferi Rigati, and Prego Pasta Sauce. I had to borrow my coursemate's rice cooker to boil the spaghetti and the pasta sauce. Actually, I should get more ingredients to add flavour to my spagetti but I forgot to buy while I'm doing some shopping XD.
So I had to borrow Alif's salt and osyter sauce to enhance the taste of the sauce. It took me to cook about half and hour to finish the cooking..phew..
Now I know how hard it is to cook, and patients is all I need to get perfection of my cooking. Finally, it turn out to be a bit salty but it is still delicious even lack of ingredients. Next time it will be a better than this. Bon Appétit! Wait for next blog update :) Anyone can cook! (Quoted from the movie Ratatouille)