Saturday, May 9, 2009

MaMa I Love You!!

"Mama" is the first word ever since I was a baby;
Mama always take care of me everyday.
Mama never fails to handle both housework and also her career;
But I try to make Mama cheer.

In my childhood days, I am naughty as I can be;
But somehow Mama will never punish me.
When I was lonely and hopeless;
Mama was there to light me up from the darkness.

If Mama felt sad, I cried with her;
If Mama was happy, I laugh with her.
I am very greatful to have a Mama like her;
I cannot forget what Mama have done for me all this years.

Mama, I love you.
Happy Mother's Day

*Take care Mama, I will be a good son :)


Tiennyingg said...

awww... X)

Anonymous said...

Awww...that is sweet of you. It is a good poem. can be creative if you want to. Your mama must be proud of you deep inside her heart :) heke

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